Our Leader's Message
The Renaissance of the Democratic Republic of Congo requires the linking of a new patriotic spirit and unique creativity for Congolese to build and promote their country. I sincerely believe that these are the basic conditions and the fundamental principles on which we can build and secure our country for the benefit of all; guarantee human rights, human dignity, the rule of law , equality and fairness for all citizens ...

Our History
The Union du Peuple d’ Avenir (UPA) or United People with One Destiny was established with a commitment to keeping the Democratic Republic of Congo’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and prosperous by uniting all Congolese people in order to provide the opportunity for sustainable development of our motherland. This commitment is reflected in our movement that emphasizes a strong nation state, economic development, democracy, education...

Political Ideology
History has revealed us that it was ordinary people like you and me who have influenced our world (cultures, societies and communities). Every century has its own history. Our human history has been marked by challenges and obstacles which have led us to find alternative ways of survival, to circumvent and even better, not just to overcome but to convert challenges and obstacles into opportunities...

The 7 Fundamental Challenges
1. The Leadership2. The Vision
3. The Institutions
4. The Administration
5. The Infrastructure
6. The Multiculturalism
7. The People's Mindset
The UPA offers / suggest a range of appropriate responses and durable (long term) solutions to the problems that face our beloved country...
The Master Plan of Reform and Reconstruction
of the Democratic Republic of Congo in 13 Chapters
Our Motto: God, our Architect and Builder

Chapter 5.
National Development
- The Master Plan
- Water and Electricity
- Infrastructure
- Industrialization

Chapter 12.
National Communication and Media
- Press
- TV and Radio
- Telecommunications and Postal Service
- Internet, Intranet and Extranet

Chapter 13.
Environment and Climate Change
- Carbon Credits
- Renewable Energy and Conservation
- Ecology
- Anti-Pollution and Recycling
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