13. Climate Change and the Environment

a. Carbon Credit:congo-rainforest01

  • Avoided deforestation program for majority percentage of the national forest
  • Re planting forestry schemes where applicable
  • Oil and Gas emission schemes
  • Local community schemes to avoid the burning of fossil fuels and polluting the atmosphere
  • National and Provincial carbon credit accreditation for renewable energy installations – solar, hydro, geothermal, wind, etc

b. Clean Energy & Water Saving:

  • Installations of solar, geo thermal, hydro and wind energy farms as applicable to local needs
  • Continue drive to develop INGA dams to provide long term electricity needs for the whole of the DRC and to provide revenue opportunities for excess to be sold to neighboring African nations.
  • Production of bio‐fuel from plants that do not endanger ecology
  • Preservation of rivers and streams program to curtail their use as effluents for contaminated waste or human excretion
  • Introduction of fines and criminal custodian sentences for those persons or companies disregarding new law to preserve river and stream water flows.
  • Installation of water treatment plants to clean up and recycle effluent wastage

c. Ecology:

  • Undertaking ecology studies on existing urban populations and animal habitats to ensure that pollution or destruction is minimized or constructively managed
  • Taking ecology into account when planning new towns with care and consideration to the disturbance of the natural habitat, fauna and wildlife affected
  • Commissioning ecology studies around sensitive eco concerns in the DRC to measure and minimize negative impact to pygmy populations and national parks

d. Anti-Pollution & Recycling:

  • Educating the populace with a new mind set to reinforce the concept of handling waste as opposed to its indiscriminate throw away action
  • Establishment of organized waste collection services in main urban center.
  • Enforcement of fines for those persons and mining companies flagrantly disregarding new initiative to control waste either at street level or via company effluent or emission
  • Provision of recycling centers in main urban towns itemized by types of recyclable products – plastic, glass, paper, oil, clothing materials, battery – car and personal use, metals,
  • Initiate new system for individuals, companies and charities collecting materials for recycling
  • Promotion of business developments to recycle waste into new productive re‐saleable or re‐usable commodities
  • Capture of methane gas to provide energy


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