Dr. Tshibangu Mukumbay honored in Washington DC by ICN
The United People with One Destiny (UPA) delegation led by Ambassador Dr. Tshibangu Mukumbay traveled to Washington DC for the I Change Nations annual awards conference at the Washington Court Hotel, Capitol Hill. Dr. Mukumbay was recognized with 5 awards from 3 different organizations including: the Youth Add Value, S.E.A.L award. the L.O.V.E. International, Global
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The UPA’s Executive Team Strategic Planning for 2016
The UPA’s Executive Team met in London / UK in extraordinary parliamentary session in order to study, examine and analyse in depth the current socio-political situation in The Democratic Republic of Congo in order to come out with a Strategic Plan for 2016.
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UPA Delegation Visits Rossens Beton

English: To solve the problem of lack of housing in The Democratic Republic of Congo, UPA delegation has visited the Belgium manufacturer called Rossens Beton to understand the new technology which is affordable, durable and modern for the future sustainable development in DRC. French: Soucieuse de résoudre la problématique des infrastructures en carrence en RDC,
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Visiting with Advanced Biological Marketing “ABM”
French & English: Pour l’UPA, l’ agriculture est la priorité des priorités. Après la visite d’ARTA Belgique productrice de +/- 40% des denrées alimentaires en Europe,la délégation de l’UPA a franchi le pas cette fois-ci en visitant ce mercredi 01 avril 2015 la Société ABM “Advanced Biological Marketing” dans l’ OHIO aux USA, une société
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M. Mukumbay a rencontré le candidat présidentiel Américain Rick Santorum
UPA delegation met with Senator Rick Santorum of Texas/USA to get constructive advise about good leadership and good governance for the Democratic Republic of Congo. With much appreciation In French La délégation de l’UPA a rencontré le Sénateur Rick Santorum de Texas/USA pour recevoir les conseils constructifs sur le leadership et la bonne gouvernance pour la
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